Globally, as of 4 May 2021, there have been 153,187,889 confirmed cases of COVID-19, including 3,209,109 deaths,and these numbers expected to grow higher and higher until July 2021 and beyond, So here is how we are helping with your support

At  Saadhake Global Foundation, we are here to help you happily in every possible way to protect your self and  sharing the tips to boost immunity in a natural way widely practiced for  ages in India to fight with Viruses going back to 4 centuries. Now we are here with our dedicated  resources to help the people on the ground in every aspect from Sanitizers, Oxy Meters, Cloth Masks, Face Shields, Nitrile Gloves, Sanitizer Sands,Kit Bags. For the School Children  we are providing Books, Pens, Water Bottles, Bags and  Groceries to the unpaid Private School Teachers.

Naturallly home made  items those can help to boost Immunity.

 Taking care of the Hands

Taking care of Nose ( inhale and exhale )  and Mouth ( while Speaking )

Be informed, Smart, Safe and Ready to face the Reality

Preparation for Managing the Stress during Outbreak

Tips for the Parents to have  fun with  Childern 


Travel Tips