Due to expensive by its nature, Wellness centers are neither reachable nor affordable to the poor people and communities for those who struggle for survival everyday. Saadhake Global Foundation planing to establish world class community wellness centers for poor people across the globe to bring totally free  true wellness centeres with no strings attached or with out any conditions or limitations or boarders.





The report finds that the global wellness industry grew 12.8% from 2015-2017, from a $3.7 trillion to a $4.2 trillion market. Wellness expenditures ($4.2 trillion) are now more than half as large as total global health expenditures ($7.3 trillion). And the wellness industry represents 5.3% of global economic output.


We hear about  Wellness Centers,  but what does that really mean? We've dug into some  statistics to provide a clear picture about Global wetness Industry and types of wellness and our services . We begin our journey with an overview of how far we can reach people and communities those who  can not afford wellness but spending on health care and many are very distant to health care. At Saadhake everyday we learn everyday  and strive for improvement to bring  alternative health care that provided by nature  and Wellness to the people in the followin nine areas.


Spiritual Wellness

  • Developing a purpose in life
  • Having the ability to spend reflective time alone
  • Taking time to reflect on the meaning of events in life
  • Having a clear sense of right and wrong, and acting accordingly
  • Having the ability to explain why you believe what you believe
  • Caring and acting for the welfare of others and the environment
  • Being able to practice forgiveness and compassion in life



Mandala means “sacred circle” in Sanskrit. In various spiritual traditions, mandalas are used to facilitate meditation and are used in sacred rites as a transformative tool to assist with healing.

Integrate mandalas into your wellness self-care practice; we provide:

  • Free mandala coloring kits 
  • Group guided meditation sessions that incorporate mandala coloring 
  • Individual wellness education/counseling sessions that incorporate mandala coloring



Meditation is an experience of relaxing the body, quieting the mind, and awakening the spirit. Meditation encourages a deepening of consciousness or awareness, and also facilitates a deeper understanding of self and others.

We provide the following meditation services:

  • Individual meditation with a wellness educator/counselor
  • Group guided meditation
  • Self-paced practice guided meditations


YogaThe word "yoga" means union, and the practice integrates mind, body and soul together. It is used to care for the entire body, and is beneficial for overall health, along with many different illnesses and conditions. Welness Centeres offer  free yoga classes:

Environmental Wellness 

 Environmental wellness inspires us to live a lifestyle that is respectful of our surroundings. This realm encourages us to live in harmony with the Earth by taking action to protect it. Environmental well-being promotes interaction with nature and your personal environment.


  • Being aware of the limits of the earth's natural resources
  • Conserving energy (i.e. shutting off unused lights)
  • Recycling paper, cans, and glass as much as possible
  • Enjoying and appreciating time outside in natural settings
  • Not polluting the air, water or earth 
  • Creating home and work environments that are supportive and nurturing

Physical Wellness

Physical wellness promotes proper care of our bodies for optimal health and functioning. There are many elements of physical wellness that all must be cared for together. Overall physical wellness encourages the balance of physical activity, nutrition and mental well-being to keep your body in top condition. Obtaining an optimal level of physical wellness allows you to nurture personal responsibility for your own health. As you become conscious of your physical health, you are able to identify elements you are successful in as well as elements you would like to improve. 

Physical wellness involves making good choices when it comes to and not limited to :

  • Wake-up early morning, Completion of cleansing and detoxification of stomach in early morning..Taking care of brushing the  teeth and tounge and taking Shower two times a day.
  • Physical Activity and Body Movement through Physical Exercise , Yoga, Breathing exercise ( Pranayama )  and Meditation ( Dhyana).
  • Drinking warm water (after boiling of filtered water.) & Good bye to plastic bottles.
  • Timely Taking breakfast, Lunch and Dinner,
  • Preventing taking Alcohols,beverages, Sodas, Plastic Bottles of wate and junk foods.
  • Taking Organic and Natural Nutritious food that contains Multiple Grains, Wheat, Brown Rice,Vegetables,Fruits, Rare fruits, Nuts and Dry Fruits, Spices, Organic Raw Natural Oils, Sea Crystals Salt, Himalayan Salt and many natural herbals for a specific purpose and Prevent Flu and Colds Prevention & Illness.
  • Maintaining of Family and moral values in the home, work,country, world and society with honesty and True Loving Nature.  Regular Sleeping minimum of 8 hours happily.

Emotional Wellness

Emotional wellness inspires self-care, relaxation, stress reduction and the development of inner strength. It is important to be attentive to both positive and negative feelings and be able to understand how to handle these emotions. Emotional wellness also includes the ability to learn and grow from experiences. Emotional well-being encourages autonomy and proper decision making skills. It is an important part of overall wellness.


Emotional wellness allows you to accept how you are feeling. Once you accept your feelings, you can begin to understand why you are feeling that way, and decide how you would like to act in response to those feelings. Being emotionally well grants you the power to express feelings without any constraints. In turn, you will be able to enjoy emotional expression and be capable of forming supportive and interdependent relationships with others.

Raod Map and Signs to Emotional Wellness 

In order to begin the route to emotional wellness you must always remember to be optimistic. Optimism allows you to greet all emotions—both positive and negative—with a confident attitude that allows you to learn from your mistakes. Once you have mastered emotional wellness, you will experience life a little differently. Your life will be more balanced and you will develop a deep sense of awareness. Below are some strategies for you to practice in order to boost your emotional wellness.

  • Remind yourself to stay positive, always.Smile.
  • Seek or accept help and support from others when needed.
  • Employ gratitude to your life in order to strengthen relationships with family and friends.
  • Practice being mindful and increase your awareness. This can be done through various forms of meditation.
  • Accept mistakes and learn from them for next time. Mistakes are not terrible experiences; they are learning experiences.
  • Balance your other dimensions of Wellness.
  • Having the ability to talk with someone about your emotional concerns and share your feelings with others
  • Saying "no" when you need to without feeling guilty
  • Feeling content most of the time
  • Feeling you have a strong support network i.e. people in your life that care about you
  • Being able to relax
  • Feeling good about who you are

Intellectual wellness

Intellectual wellness encourages us to engage in creative and mentally-stimulating activities. These activities should expand your knowledge and skills while allowing you to share your knowledge and skills with others. Intellectual wellness can be developed through academics, cultural involvement, community involvement and personal hobbies. As intellectual wellness develops, you are able to develop personal resources that work together with the other realms of wellness in order to be achieve a more balanced life.



Intellectual wellness encourages learning. It is important to explore new ideas and understandings in order to become more mindful and better-rounded. Having an optimal level of intellectual wellness inspires exploration. Intellectual wellness also stimulates curiosity. Curiosity is important because it motivates you to try new things and develop an understanding of how you see the relationship between.


Route and Signs of  Intellectual Wellness

  • Be open-minded.
  • Listen. When you participate in active listening you are able to fully comprehend the information that is being given to you.
  • Pick up a hobby. Hobbies are great ways to increase your skill set. They can also be fun!
  • Travel. The best way to gain knowledge as well as an appreciation for another culture is to experience it yourself.
  • Express your creative side by exploring different avenues of creativity and artistic expressions.
  • Development of your own ideas, views, and opinions
  • Exposing yourself to new ideas, people, and beliefs that are different from your own
  • Development of good study skills and time management
  • Ability to challenge yourself to see all sides of an issue
  • Becoming a critical thinker
  • Become aware of who you are and what you value

Occupational wellness

Occupational wellness inspires us to prepare for work in which we will gain personal satisfaction and find enrichment in our life. Your attitude about work is a crucial influence for occupational development. Occupational wellness allows you to explore various career options and encourages you to pursue the opportunities you enjoy the most. This dimension of wellness recognizes the importance of satisfaction, enrichment and meaning through work.


Developing occupational satisfaction will allow you to communicate your values through involvement in occupational activities that are gratifying for you. It is also important to identify workplace stress in order to practice conflict management. Conflict management is key to achieving an optimal level of occupational wellness. Choosing what your career will be is a very important life choice. Working takes up a majority of your time during the week, so the way you feel about your work contributes to your overall well-being.

When you embark on the route to occupational wellness, you will discover what occupational opportunities are out there and which opportunities suit you best. Maintaining occupational wellness allows you to develop unique skills and talents that are both personally and professionally rewarding. Below are some suggestions to begin your journey to occupational wellness. Reflect on yourself and your occupational needs. What occupational tasks do you enjoy? What occupational tasks do you find burdensome?

Road map & Signs to Occupational Wellness

  • Doing work that you find motivating and interesting
  • Explore both paid and un-paid work and volunteer opportunities that interest you.
  • Set realistic career goals for yourself and constantly work towards accomplishing these goals.
  • Understanding how to balance leisure with work
  • Working in a way that fits into your personal learning style 
  • Practice open communication and proper conflict management with your colleagues. and Communicating and collaborating with others
  • Working independently and with others
  • Feeling inspired and challenged 
  • Feeling good at the end of the day about the work you accomplished 

Explore Occupational Wellness

  • Don't settle, keep motivated to work towards what you want
  • Increase your skills and knowledge to advance your occupational wellness goals 
  • Find the benefits and positives in your current job 
  • Create connections with your co-workers
  • Avoid over working yourself, find a work/life balance 
  • Enjoy what you do, do what you enjoy
  • Write out your occupational goals and create a plan to reach them - then start working the plan 
  • Talk to a career counselor if you feel do not know where you are.

Relational Welness

Wellness in the relational dimension is the ability to establish and maintain meaningful connections, networks, relationships, and interactions with other individuals, groups, and communities.  Relating well to others both within and outside of the family unit and fostering a genuine connection with those around us. This includes valuing the needs of others, providing support and encouragement, as well as recognizing and appropriately responding to social cues. Relational wellness includes, but is not limited to:


  • Communication skills
  • Capacity for connection/intimacy
  • Managing interpersonal disputes
  • Willingness to ask for help
  • Ability to cultivate and maintain satisfying relationships
  • Establishing a support network
  • Caring for/encouraging others
  • Being a strong team player or group partner
  • Sharing appropriately
  • Recognizing social cues/respectful behaviour


Foster your Relational Wellbeing:

  • Join a club or organization
  • Participate in study groups
  • Make an effort to stay in touch with family, friends, and mentors
  • Volunteer in the community
  • Maintain balance between work and social time


Potential Benefits:

  • Feeling of inclusion and worth
  • Support during times of need
  • Personal growth & confidence – becoming more comfortable with who you are
  • Communication skills 
  • Conflict management

Social Wellness

Social wellness refers to the relationships we have and how we interact with others. Our relationships can offer support during difficult times. Social wellness involves building healthy, nurturing and supportive relationships as well as fostering a genuine connection with those around you. Conscious actions are important in learning how to balance your social life with your academic and professional lives. Social wellness also includes balancing the unique needs of romantic relationships with other parts of your life.



Maintaining an optimal level of social wellness allows you to build healthy relationships with others. Having a supportive social network allows you to develop assertive skills and become comfortable with who you are in social situations. Surrounding yourself with a positive social network increases your self-esteem. Social wellness enables you to create boundaries that encourage communication, trust and conflict management. Having good social wellness is critical to building emotional resilience.


Road map and Signs to Social Wellness

As you begin your route to social wellness, you will discover that you have the power to enhance your personal relationships. Maintaining social wellness allows you to practice empathy and active listening. There are many ways you can begin your journey on the route to social wellness. Below are some suggestions on how to enhance your social wellness. Reflect on yourself and your social needs. What aspects of your social life do you enjoy? What parts would you like to improve?


  • Make an effort to keep in touch with supportive friends and family.
  • Practice self-disclosure.and Remembering to have fun.
  • Participate in group discussions and practice active listening.
  • Join a club or organization.
  • Development of assertiveness skills not passive or aggressive ones.
  • Balancing social and personal time.
  • The ability to be who you are in all situations.
  • Becoming engaged with other people in your community.
  • Valuing diversity and treat others with respect.
  • Continually being able to maintain and develop friendships and social networks.
  • The ability to create boundaries within relationship boundaries that encourage communication, trust and conflict management.


Financial Wellness

Financial Wellness involves the process of learning how to successfully manage financial expenses. Money plays a critical role in our lives and not having enough of it impacts health as well as academic performance. Financial stress is repeatedly found to be a common source of stress, anxiety and fear for college students. Keeping track of expenses, making a budget, and sticking to it are important skills to have in order to be finically responsible and independent. Learning how to maximize your financial wellness now will help you feel prepared to handle potentially stressful financial situations in the future.

Why is Financial Wellness Important?

Raod Map and Signs to Financial Wellness

Rest assured that you are not the only one in the process of learning how to manage finances more efficiently. There is an array of resources on and off campus as well as workshops and programs that can guide you toward money-managing success. Everyone’s financial situation is different, so it is up to you to select the proper mix of resources that work best according to your needs. The most important point to remember is that maximizing financial wellness is a process that does not occur immediately. Be proactive by seeking related resources and learning about money-managing strategies to build your financial wellness. Financial Wellness Tips:

Don’t put it off - identify and address any financial problems before they start.

  • Keep organized records of your finances.
  • Take advantage of discounts.
  • Plan ahead and set budget goals.
  • Balance your other dimensions of Wellness, they all tie in to financial wellness as well.
  • Learning how to manage your money and establishing a personal budget.
  • Not living beyond your means.
  • Making a plan to pay back your loans.
  • Learning about debt and how to manage it. 
  • Building good credit. 
  • Thinking long term, e.g. set up a savings account.
  • Learning not to let money be the driving force of your life.
  • Donating some of your money, if possible, to a cause you believe in.